أشار صندوق الاستثمارات العامة عن العديد من الوظائف الشاعرة لحملة المؤهلات العليا من الدبلومات وذلك للعمل في مدينة الرياض، ومن مسميات الوظائف المطلوبة أخصائي ومسؤول اتصالات ومتابعة ومسؤول أرشفة رقمية، علي أن يبدأ التقديم في المواعيد المحدد والتي تم الإعلان عنها بشكل رسمي، وسنوافيكم بكافة التفاصيل من خلال موقع أخبار حصرية.
وظائف صندوق الاستثمارات العامة
وإليكم متابعينا كافة التفاصيل عن الوظيفة (مسؤول اتصالات ومتابعة) وهي كالتالي:-
Job Summary:
To maintain records for all required documents ensuring indexing is appropriately documented, while ensuring digitalization of old records, restoration and preservation of degrading records.
- Maintain historical record for every document specifying the type and period of preservation
- Create and receive files for all records
- Store with archiving team upon completion of restoration and conservation
- Arrange records for digitization processing including scanning, coding, classification storing
- Transfer of records to NCAR according the policy and procedure, and rectification of the issues identified by NCAR
- Create descriptive data in order to speed up the search and retrieval of documents
- Classify records and create of codes for them according to the NCAR classification
- Publish records to the end users with consideration for the information security standards and access levels
- Follow the environmental and safety procedures to store the documents
Required Skills/Abilities:
- 3+ years of experience in similar field
- Good IT skills especially an interest in applying digital technology to archiving with excellent MS Office skills and fast typing skills (above 40 word per minute).
- Knowledge of archiving principles including the classification and categorization, and metadata in addition and archival related legislation
- Knowledge of data privacy regulations including the national and international regulation such as GDPR, ability to transfer and process the data in secure manner (encryption, watermarking..etc)
Education and Experience:
Diploma in Business or equivalent is required
تفاصيل وظيفة مسؤول أرشفة رقمية وهي كالتالي:-
Job Summary:
To manage the digitization of relevant existing records and manage the maintenance of current digital records within the library, ensuring such records are indexed correctly.
- Maintain digital records and design the libraries.
- Lead reviews of the access privileges of the systems with information security.
- Implement the security measures on the system.
- Look for process automation and utilization of the recent technologies such as AI in classifying and linking the documents.
- Maintain classifications and categorizations of digital and physical records to ensure integrity and ease of retrieval.
- Prepare business plans related to digitalization archiving, and coordinate with IT for capacity and demand management.
- Manage the conservation and capture of records and updates of the metadata.
Required Skills/Abilities:
- 3+ years of experience in similar field.
- Good IT skills especially an interest in applying digital technology to archiving with excellent MS Office skills and fast typing skills (above 40 word per minute).
- Experience working with digital preservation systems such as Enterprise Content Management Systems, and ability to understand and design workflows.
- Experience in dealing with scanner and ability to scan images and adjustment of imaging software.
- Understanding of digital preservation using digital formats PDF, JPG, PNG, and OCR-ed text.
Education and Experience:
Diploma in Business or equivalent is required.
يبدأ التقديم في الوظائف المطلوبة يوم الإثنين علي أن يتم غلق الباب بعد أخذ العدد المطلوب فقط، كما أوضح صندوق الاستثمارات إلي رابط التقديم علي الوظائف بالضغط علي وظيفة مسؤول اتصالات ومتابع ووظيفة مسؤول أرشفة رقمية للتقديم في الوظائف.