FLOWERS FOR MOM NO EASY TASK: Americans want to give a pink gift to their mothers on Mother’s Day, and we shouldn’t wait until the last minute … because COVID-19 makes life difficult for flower professionals.

But the coronary virus pandemic has destroyed the flower industry and led to fading since mid-March، As American farmers and other major importing countries such as the Netherlands, Ecuador and Colombia struggle to harvest, surely we find that there is a significant drop in demand, given the conditions in the entire world.


All of this led to a decrease in sales of flowers anywhere from 50 to 90 percent during the past weeks, which led to a strong and big blow, including banning decisions that made parties and receptions of a floral nature stop working.

The exporters of flowers are unsure of how much to produce to proceed to avoid having to harvest the crop or destroy all the petals، There was good news for some retailers to get sales during the Easter vacation trip، There is likely to be significant sales to Mother’s Day.

Boltt pointed to expectations of an increase in the sale of flowers by 70 percent this year, and other officials expect that the highest increase in delivery orders will be over the coming period … because many families are unable to celebrate personally because of staying in a house reservation.

نتمنى أن يحظي المقال علي إعجابكم من خلال موقع ان حصري بما كُتب به من معلومات. ونتمنى أن يتم تفعيل إشعارات الموقع من أجل أن يصلكم جديد الأخبار الحصرية لحظة بلحظة وكن معنا في قلب الحدث. كما يمكن الاشتراك معنا في خدمة أخبار جوجل نيوز Google News. ويمكنكم التعليق علي المقال في حال وجود أي استفسارات وسنقوم بالرد عليكم متابعينا في أسرع وقت.


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